15 June 2009

A superfood for weight loss?

The experimental drug surpassed the effectiveness of all anti-obesity drugsBritish scientists have found that a newly discovered hormone significantly reduces the craving for food.

This allows us to consider it as a potential cure for obesity. In an experiment on rats, the hormone turned out to be more effective than existing drugs for weight loss.

The peptide hormone prokineticin 2 (PK2, PK2) was recently discovered in the centers of the brain that control appetite. Researchers from Imperial College London injected it into the brains of 12 rats with unlimited access to food. In the first hour after the injection, the animals ate 86 percent less than the 12 rats from the control group who were injected with isotonic saline solution.

During the five days of experimental treatment, rats treated with PK2 lost about five percent of their body weight – significantly more than when using existing anti-obesity drugs. At the same time, the motor activity, behavioral characteristics and metabolic rate of the animals did not change.

The same weight loss was observed with the introduction of PK2 under the skin of the abdomen, which allows us to consider this hormone as a potential drug.

Scientists intend to confirm the effectiveness and safety of PC2 in larger-scale studies and, with positive results, proceed to human trials.

Medical news based on the materials of News-Medical.Net: Discovery of new appetite suppressant – potential anti-obesity treatmentPortal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru/


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