11 January 2009

Another benefit of hormone replacement therapy

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), prescribed to relieve the symptoms of menopause, reduces the risk of colon cancer. This conclusion was reached by American scientists, whose research report was published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention.

Study leader Jill Johnson and her colleagues from the University of Minnesota studied data on 56,733 postmenopausal women. Information about the use of HRT, as well as about various risk factors for cancer, was obtained during written surveys and telephone interviews of participants. The women were monitored for an average of 15 years.

It turned out that participants who took hormonal drugs were less likely to develop colon cancer. The most pronounced effect – a 45% reduction in the risk of tumor development – was observed in women after the appointment of combined HRT, which included estrogens and progesterone. Estrogen monotherapy was accompanied by a 17-26% reduction in the risk of colon cancer, depending on the duration of taking the drugs, the scientists reported.

The mechanisms of protective anticancer effect of hormonal drugs are not exactly known. According to scientists, the ability of hormones to reduce the level of insulin-like growth factors that contribute to the development of certain types of cancer may play a role.

Currently, the use of HRT, which helps to cope with hot flashes and osteoporosis, as well as other unpleasant manifestations of menopause, has significantly decreased. This happened after the appearance of a number of studies that linked the use of these drugs with an increased risk of breast, ovarian and uterine cancer.

Attending physicians are recommended to decide on the appointment of hormones during menopause on an individual basis, after taking into account all possible positive and negative effects of HRT. Of course, the prevention of colon cancer cannot serve as the only indication for the appointment of HRT, the researchers noted. Nevertheless, this factor may tip the scales in favor of prescribing these drugs in some patients – in particular, if there is a hereditary predisposition to colon cancer, the scientists explained.

Copper news based on EurekAlert! – Hormone therapy associated with reduced colorectal cancer risk 

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru11.01.2009

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