12 February 2015

Big Brother is watching you!

Saratov scientists have invented and patented a remote lie detector

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Saratov scientists have invented and patented a contactless remote polygraph that evaluates the reliability of information without human contact. This is reported by TASS with reference to one of the authors of the development, the head of the laboratory of mathematical modeling of legal phenomena and processes of Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky Lev Ivanov.

Unlike analogues, this device does not require fixing sensors on the body, and the reliability of information is determined by nonverbal signs – changes in the timbre and volume of the voice, the pace of speech, the number of stutters, the inventor noted.

"The principle embedded in the device solves two problems of modern polygraphs. Firstly, it does not require the voluntary consent of the subject to take the test. Secondly, the work of our polygraph can take place remotely, for example, using existing means of remote audio communication," Ivanov told reporters.

The principle of operation of the Saratov lie detector is based on a complex algorithm that evaluates dozens of non-verbal signs of speech. According to the developer, the new technology has already been tested in practice: more than 150 forensic examinations have been conducted in recent years. At the same time, all the results were confirmed by a parallel study on a classical polygraph.

Kirill Medvedev, a programmer at the laboratory, explained that the inventors' ultimate goal is to create a product in which the readings would be analyzed automatically.

Saratov developers are confident that in the future a lie detector can be installed as an application on a regular smartphone or tablet. But first of all, the lie detector is designed for professional use and operational investigative work, the programmer stressed.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru12.02.2015

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