04 May 2008

Dairy products do not lose weight, and sometimes even get better

Some time ago, there were numerous statements that the use of dairy products contributes to weight loss. The dairy industry wasted no time investing millions in advertising promoting this claim. However, the results of a recent analysis of the available data indicate that neither the dairy products themselves nor the calcium contained in them will help you lose weight.

Amy Joy Lanou from the University of North Carolina and Neal Barnard from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine analyzed the results of 49 clinical trials conducted between 1966 and 2007, the purpose of which was to evaluate the effects of milk, dairy products or calcium on body weight or body mass index in combination with or without diet.

Research results indicate that neither dairy products nor calcium-containing supplements contribute to weight loss. In 41 out of 49 studies, no effect was registered, in two there was an increase in the weight of participants and only in five studies a decrease in the body weight of participants was stated.

The authors claim that the relationship between the use of calcium or dairy products and weight loss, identified in several studies, can be explained by other factors, such as physical activity, reduced consumption of carbonated drinks, lifestyle changes or increased consumption of dietary fiber, fruits and vegetables.

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru based on the materials of ScienceDaily


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