23 May 2011

Do you want to insure yourself from a long life?

As soon as the consequences of the mortgage crisis subsided, banks came up with a more sophisticated way of earning money than turning "bad" debts into "good" ones.

According to an article in Bloomberg, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank and JPMorgan, which together manage billions of dollars of mortgage loans, now want to write out insurance in case of death of people, or rather, if a pensioner lives longer than he is prescribed by the forecast. Of course, it's no secret that world medicine does not stand still and the level of life expectancy is growing in developed countries.

Medical progress and a healthy lifestyle have made life expectancy forecasts more difficult for pension funds. Life expectancy in the UK is growing by one to three months a year, and pension funds, under which, according to various estimates, there is about $ 23 trillion. assets, start actively buying insurance against the risk of longevity of pensioners.

The policy of Pension funds that try to insure their risks is understandable, but the policy of large investment houses is not filled with altruism (betting, in fact, on the death of a person), and this event is still taking place against the background of the adoption by the Swiss authorities of an official permit for euthanasia. At the same time, life-span-based securities are not completely identical to insurance on subprime mortgage loans, due to the fact that they are "fully secured" and minimize counterparty risks in case of non-fulfillment of their obligations.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru based on the materials of the IC "FORUM"


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