16 December 2016

Englishwomen can give birth to "three-parent" children

The British were finally allowed to conceive children from three parents


The British Independent Fertility and Embryology Committee (Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority) has approved the possibility of conceiving a child from two women and one man. This was reported on Thursday, December 15, on the institution's website (HFEA permits cautious use of mitochondrial donation in treatment, following advice from scientific experts).

UK clinics will be able to carry out this procedure after obtaining licenses from the committee. It is noted that a group of doctors from the city of Newcastle has developed an algorithm for fertilization.

"This is a historically important decision. I am sure that patients will be happy to learn about this opportunity," said Sally Cheshire, Chairman of the HFEA.

In February 2015, it was reported that the British Parliament allowed the use of DNA from three people in artificial insemination. However, the procedure for applying such genetic procedures and the requirements for their licensing have become known only now.

Doctors have achieved that, thanks to the use of the genetic material of three people, women with damaged eggs will be able to have children without developmental abnormalities. Scientists have already applied for donor eggs. The first child from three parents may appear by this method by the end of 2017.

The method has received the scientific name "mitochondrial transfer". According to medical explanations, the female body has the ability to overcome mutations in the mitochondria of the child and the next generations. To enhance this effect, it is proposed to endow the fetus, in addition to the DNA of the father and mother, with healthy DNA and mitochondria of another woman.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  16.12.2016

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