29 November 2010

Every joint is a step towards cancer

An international group of immunologists led by Dr. Prakash Nagarkatti from the University of South Carolina has found that smoking marijuana can suppress the body's immune system, increasing its susceptibility to infections and certain types of cancer.

The authors devoted their work published in the European Journal of Immunology (Cannabinoid receptor activation leads to massive mobilization of myeloid-derived suppressor cells with potent immunosuppressive properties) to the study of compounds providing narcotic properties of marijuana – cannabinoids, including delta-9-tetrahydrocannibinol (THC), currently used for medical purposes, such as pain relief.

It turned out that by activating cannabinoid receptors, biologically active compounds contained in marijuana stimulate the division of unique immune cells – myeloid suppressor cells. Excessive activation of this important component of the immune system weakens its ability to destroy malignant cells.

Thus, on the one hand, marijuana cannabinoids can increase the body's susceptibility to infectious and malignant diseases, and on the other hand, a detailed study of their immunosuppressive properties can help in the development of new methods of treating diseases in which suppression of the immune response plays a positive role, for example, autoimmune diseases.

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