27 March 2012

Every third newborn will celebrate the centennial anniversary

A third of those born in 2012 in Britain will live to be 100 years old

<url>According to the Office of National Statistics of Great Britain, of the children born this year, a third will live to the 100th anniversary, writes The Telegraph (One in three babies born this year will live to 100).

At the same time, according to analysts, 40% of girls (156 thousand) and less than a third of boys (135 thousand) will be able to overcome the milestone.

At the same time, among British citizens who turn 65 in 2012, 14% of women and 10% of men will reach the round date in 2047. The office's report also highlights that the number of centenarian Britons has grown from 600 in 1961 to almost 13,000 in 2010. It is expected that by 2060 their number will reach 456 thousand.

The report notes that the calculations did not take into account the future policy of the government, the economic situation and other factors that may affect demographics.

As the publication notes, the aging of the country's population will have a significant impact on the ways of organizing care for them. The authorities believe that funding for the care of the elderly should not fall on the shoulders of a younger age group and are considering various mechanisms that would allow Britons not to sell their homes in old age to pay for treatment.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru

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