12 February 2013

General alzheimerization of the population is inevitable

After a few years, most Americans
they will turn into incapacitated, the forecast showed

med.capIn the coming decades, America will face a sharp increase in the number of people with Alzheimer's disease, as the population is rapidly aging, reports Live Science (Population With Alzheimer's Disease Will Triple by 2050).

By 2050, the number of patients with this disease will triple and reach 13.8 million (2010 data – 4.7 million).

"This is a heavy burden for society, because there will be a huge number of incapacitated. Accordingly, there will be a need for nurses and other medical staff," says researcher Jennifer Wuwe from the Ras Institute for Healthy Aging.

First of all, the "baby boom" generation (people born in 1946-1964) will suffer. The forecast was made on the basis of current trends, predictions about the population in the future, statistics on mortality, morbidity and other factors.

The number of people 65 years and older in 2050 will be 88.5 million people (in 2010 there were 40.3 million). In 2010, the number of patients aged 65-74 with Alzheimer's disease was 700,000, 75-84 years – 2.3 million, 85 years and older – 1.8 million.

In 2050, the figures will be 1.3 million, 5.4 million and 7 million, respectively. Experts urge to urgently start investigating the problem, develop treatment strategies and a set of preventive measures in order to prevent the development of the epidemic of Alzheimer's disease.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru12.02.2013

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