26 February 2018

Generation of fatties

Researchers have identified the generation most prone to obesity

Natalia Pelezneva, Naked Science

Researchers from the British charity Cancer Research UK have found that millennials – people born between the early 1980s and the mid-1990s - are at the greatest risk of obesity in the UK.  According to scientists, by 2026-2028, 74% of millennials will become overweight or obese. The results of the study are reported by the organization's website (Millennials top obesity chart before reaching middle age).

Obesity is associated with many diseases and disorders of the internal organs. Earlier studies have shown that being overweight increases the risk of developing several forms of cancer and reduces the likelihood of conception. Previously, the most obese generation was considered to be people born during the "baby boom", in the first decade after the end of World War II. At the age of 35-45, about 55% of them were overweight.  

The researchers examined data from the annual Health Survey for England (HSE), which has been conducted since 1991 and includes a medical examination.  It is attended by 16,000 adults and 4,000 children under 15 years of age. Every year, the main topic of the survey changes: surveys in 2009 and 2011 were devoted to the study of lifestyle features, including nutrition and physical activity.

Comparing data for 25 years, scientists have found that millennials are at the greatest risk of developing obesity in middle age. The media often say that millennials tend to get carried away with various trends in healthy eating, but the results of surveys show that few representatives of this generation adhere to a balanced diet all the time. Many young Britons combine a passion for healthy food with overeating and abuse of fast food. Among the reasons are the influence of advertising and easy access to such food. At the same time, only 15% of Britons are aware of the link between being overweight and the risk of developing cancer. Researchers recommend that young people try to stick to the same eating habits, and also eat more vegetables, fruits and cereals.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru

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