27 March 2014

Hakamada was released from prison

A court in Japan has decided to release a boxer who served 48 years for murder

Ksenia Naka, RIA NovostiThe District Court of Shizuoka Prefecture in Japan on Thursday decided to review the case of former boxer Iwao Hakamada, who spent 48 years in prison, 34 of them awaiting the death penalty for the murder of four people, Kyodo news agency reports.

The court found the evidence presented by the prosecution to be unreliable, suspended the execution of the sentence and decided to release the accused until a retrial.

Hakamada, a former professional boxer, was arrested 48 years ago on suspicion of murdering a family of four in 1966, in 1980 he was found guilty and sentenced to death. One of the main evidence of the prosecution is the clothes found a year after the crime, presumably belonging to the killer. However, as the DNA analysis showed, the traces of blood on it do not match the data of the Hakamada. The court also had doubts that she did not fit the Khakamada in size. The clothes were found in a barrel of bean paste, but their good condition made the defense and the court doubt that they had been in the barrel for a year. In addition, new evidence was reviewed.

"He was accused on the basis of evidence that could have been forged, and for a long time he lived under the threat of the death penalty. It's unfair. It is no longer possible to keep him in custody," the agency cites the court's decision.

Immediately after the death sentence was passed, Hakamada's sister filed a petition for review, but was refused in 2008. Then she again filed a petition, which the court found it possible to satisfy. The Hakamada case was the sixth in the history of Japanese jurisprudence when the court was forced to review the case and the death sentence. In four cases, those sentenced to death were acquitted. Khakamada is now 78 years old, he has spent more than half of his life in prison, including 34 years awaiting the death penalty.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru27.03.2014

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