Happiness has fallen!
Russia has improved its position in the ranking of the happiest countries in the world
Thus, Russia has risen by eight lines at once compared to last year's rating.
Mauritania and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) were Russia's neighbors in the rating. Denmark and Norway were able to maintain their leading positions in the ranking, while Finland lost the honorable third place to Switzerland, sliding immediately to seventh place. Also in the top five were such traditionally happy countries as the Netherlands and Sweden.
As in the previous year, the ranking consisting of more than 150 states is completed by the African countries of Togo, Benin and the Central African Republic.
When compiling the rating, such indicators as the level of GDP per capita, life expectancy, the level of trust in society, the availability of freedom of choice, the level of corruption and generosity were taken into account. The researchers relied on data from surveys conducted by the American Gallup Institute of Public Opinion in the period from 2010 to 2012.
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru10.09.2013