26 October 2015

Hot dogs with human flesh?

Human DNA was found in sausages

The company Clear Foods, which studies the genetic composition of food, has published the results of a study of hot dogs. The company's specialists analyzed the composition of 345 hot dogs and sausages produced by popular American companies.

It turned out that 14% of the sausages included ingredients not indicated on the package. So, pork was found in 3% of the analyzed sausages (most often they were chicken and turkey sausages), which may not be the best news for people who do not eat this meat for religious reasons. Vegetarian sausages turned out to be not so vegetarian – in 10% of cases they contained meat.

Human DNA was found in 2% of the analyzed samples, and most often it was found in vegetarian sausages.

Don't be in a hurry to be scared: nothing is said about the amount of human DNA, pork in halal sausages, etc. in the Clear Food report, but on the FAQ page, the researchers answer that the most likely source of it is hair, skin or nail stubs that accidentally got into the products during the production process, and their number is no more than allowed regulatory authorities. And (it seems hypocritical: they themselves wrote just so that the hot dog turned out hotter and with yellow sauce) reproach the media that they inflated this problem - VM.

Despite the results, Clear Foods experts note that most of the hot dogs were of high quality.

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