01 December 2015

Incubator No. 14

The business incubator of the Higher school of Economics is among the world's top 25

Business incubator HSE was ranked 14th in the ranking of the best University business incubator in the world by UBI Global 2015, becoming the only representative of Russia in the global top 25. This was announced at a ceremony UBI Awards, which took place on 25 November in Trafalgar square in London.

A month earlier, at the regional awards ceremony UBI Awards in Europe in Turin, it was announced that the Business incubator of the HSE took the 7th place in the ranking of the best University business incubators in Europe.

The performance of the incubator was measured by 60 indicators grouped into three main categories: impact on the ecosystem, customer value and the attractiveness of the incubation programme. Cumulative assessment of the Business incubator of the HSE on all indicators superior to the average value.

A comparative analysis UBI takes into account the resources and capabilities of the incubator (income, number of jobs created, the number of partners and activities undertaken) as well as the results of residents and graduates of the volume of attracted investments, the survival rate of start-UPS and the number of transactions.

UBI Global is the only rating that compares the performance of business incubators around the world, which gives an idea about the trends in global infrastructure. In 2015, UBI Global attended the 1200 business incubators from 73 countries of the world in 6 geographic regions, 340 of them (64 countries) was recommended for benchmarking. Prevalence specialty incubators — IT (39%), in second place social topics for 13%, green technology and biotech — 8 and 7%, respectively.

Best University business incubator in the world in 2015 was recognized by the British incubator SETsquared is a joint project of the universities of Bath, Bristol, Exeter, Southamton and Surrey. The second place of the rating took a business incubator Chaoyang University of technology (Taiwan), the third — incubator canadian Ryerson University.

Business incubator HSE is one of the most successful platforms for enterprise development and support start-UPS in Russia, the first student business incubator in Russia, created on the initiative of students and teachers HSE, a structural unit of the HSE. Since 2006, the Business incubator consulted more than 500 startups. Every year more than 10 thousand people take part in its activities. Among the projects HSE{Inc} the residency programme HSE{Pro}, and Social accelerator award "Startup of the year" business game "Iron entrepreneur".

UBIGlobal company based in Stockholm, are rated business incubators around the world, and provides corporations, governments and relevant information from the market. Has an international team of researchers and an extensive membership network of 400 business incubators and accelerators that are managed by a University or are affiliated with universities in more than 70 countries.

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