Investments as a method of prolonging life
The bank cheated the old lady
TV channel "100 TV"Swedish financiers have learned to increase the life expectancy of investors.
One of the Swedish banks offered his elderly client to engage in long-term investments. The woman inherited 500 thousand crowns in 2005 and expected to receive modest dividends as an increase to her pension.
However, the lady did not realize that payments would begin only after five years, and she would be able to return all the money no earlier than 2012. At the time of signing the investment agreement, the Swede was 87 years old. Now she is 93 and she is trying to sue the bank, which, in her opinion, although it offered her a good deal, but still did not take into account the age of the depositor.
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru24.03.2011