13 July 2017

Let's help Africa!

The first batch of the Russian Ebola vaccine was sent to Guinea

"Made by us"

The first thousand doses of the Ebola vaccine developed at the Gamalei Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology were sent to the Republic of Guinea on July 12.

"The first batch of the vaccine is a thousand doses. Accordingly, a thousand people will be vaccinated," said Alexander Semikhin, head of the Department for obtaining biotechnological products of the Gamalei Institute.

The vaccine is aimed at preventing the disease of fever caused by the Ebola virus. According to Semikhin, after vaccination, revaccination is necessary in 21 days.

The Russian vaccine "Gam-Evak Combi" for the prevention of hemorrhagic fever caused by the Ebola virus, according to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, "became the first officially registered and approved vaccine in the world for clinical use."


Presentation of Russian vaccines ("Gam-Evak" and Gam-Evak Combi") The World Health Organization was held in Geneva on February 15. At the meeting of the head of the Ministry of Health Veronika Skvortsova with the Director General of the organization Margaret Chen on February 16, "the importance of the development of the Russian Ebola vaccine for the world community was noted."

According to Skvortsova, the Russian vaccine has proven its effectiveness.

"100% of those vaccinated have a high titer of antibodies to the corresponding pathogen. We have been observing vaccinated people for five months, this titer has been high for five months. And the blood serum of vaccinated people completely kills, neutralizes the virus in laboratory conditions," the minister explained. In addition, as Skvortsova noted, the domestic development has practically no side effects.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  13.07.2017

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