Life expectancy: Hong Kong comes first
Japanese women for the first time in 26 years have lost the leadership in life expectancy
They lost to Hong Kong residents, The Japan Times reports (Japanese women fall to second after Hong Kong in longevity rankings; 3/11 said a factor) with reference to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Security of Japan.
The Agency has published a report that presents data on average life expectancy in different countries for 2011. According to the document, the indicator for Japanese women decreased by 0.4 years compared to last year and amounted to 85.9 years. Residents of Hong Kong, who were in the first place, live on average 86.7 years.
The reasons for the decline in the life expectancy of women, the Japanese Ministry of Health called the devastating earthquake and tsunami that occurred in March 2011, as well as the increased number of suicides among young Japanese women. According to the Ministry, the suicide rate increased by a third compared to 2010 and amounted to 16.3 cases per 100,000 women aged 25 to 29 years.
Among men, Hong Kong residents are also leading in terms of average life expectancy, for whom this indicator was 80.5 years. In second place were the Swiss, who on average live to the age of 80.2 years. The life expectancy of Icelanders, who became the third, is approaching 80 years.
Information about the life expectancy of Russians is presented on the website of the Federal State Statistics Service. According to the latest published data, in 2009, the indicators for men and women were 62.8 and 74.7 years, respectively.
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru27.08.2012