22 October 2015

Molecular diversity of life

ProScience Theater with Konstantin Severinov. November 16

 Photo: Natasha Chetverikova/<url>On November 16, Konstantin Severinov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, a well-known specialist in the field of molecular biology, will give a lecture at the Central House of the Journalist.

The topic of the lecture is "The molecular diversity of life".

Konstantin Severinov said that it will be about evolution at the molecular level: "Life is monotonous. If you look at it in the form of DNA molecules, it turns out that life is very, very similar, and bacteria are our close relatives, not just monkeys."

Konstantin Viktorovich Severinov is an outstanding molecular biologist, professor at Rutgers University (New Jersey, USA) and the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, head of laboratories at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Gene Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

He is the author of more than 200 scientific publications in various international publications and is among the TOP 100 most cited biologists in Russia, where he occupies the 58th position. As of September of this year, Konstantin Severinov's Hirsch index was 34.

ProScience Theater is a scientific and journalistic stand-up or a big conversation with leading figures of science and art, in which the audience becomes full-fledged interlocutors of the speakers.

Konstantin Severinov's speech will take place on November 16 at the Central House of the journalist at the address: M. Arbatskaya, Nikitsky Boulevard, 8a. It starts at 19:00.

Tickets can be purchased on the websites timepad.ru , bigbilet.ru , kassir.ru and ponominalu.ru .

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