Nanofiber tendons
The world's first artificial tendons have been obtained
Membrane based on PhysOrg materials: Breakthrough research could speed up the recovery of injured athletesTreatment of torn ligaments takes at least eight weeks.
To speed up the healing process, Lucy Bosworth from the University of Manchester has come up with a way to create artificial tendons.
Ligament rupture is an injury most common in athletes. "Damaged tendons heal very slowly, it is often impossible to restore their former strength, and after treatment, scars and persistent pain remain," Lucy says in a press release from the University.
There are two ways to treat torn ligaments. The first (long) one is to wait for the self–healing of tissues. At the same time, the reserved area cannot be disturbed for a long time. The second (more traumatic) involves the transplantation of ligaments from another part of the body. As a result, two wounds are formed on the human body at once.
To create artificial tendons, Bosworth twisted a biodegradable nanofiber in a special way, which can be implanted into the human body. The resulting "tissue" is similar in structure to the natural one and can be transplanted to the site of the rupture. It will promote fusion, and the artificial polymer replacement will gradually disappear, and its own connective tissue will form in its place.
Scientists believe that this method of transplantation will reduce the time needed to recover from injury. In addition, the probability of rejection of such a transplant is low. The first clinical trials of the novelty will begin soon (Lucy's further work is sponsored by RegeNer8). According to Bosworth, the mass use of artificial tendons in hospitals may begin in about three years.
Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru27.04.2009