Nanoforum-09 live
The Second International Forum on Nanotechnology has opened in Moscow
<url>The Second International Forum on Nanotechnology has opened at Expocentre in Moscow.
The event, which will last from October 6 to 8, was opened by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. A live video broadcast is available on the forum's website.
In his speech, the President said that 318 billion rubles will be allocated to finance nanotechnology by 2015.
The forum will present projects related to nanotechnology, which have already received funding from the state corporation "Rusnano". In addition, a number of popular lectures will be delivered during the forum. The forum program includes 19 sections. These include nanodiagnostics, sensory nanomaterials, structural and functional nanomaterials, nanomaterials for energy sources, nanotechnology in medicine, and so on. The full program of the forum is available here.
During the first day of the forum, the RUSNANOPRIZE-2009 international prize in nanotechnology was awarded. In 2009, it went to researchers involved in nanoelectronics and specifically molecular beam epitaxy. The winners of the award were academician Leonid Keldysh, American Professor Alfred and Cho and the French company RIBER S.A.
It is awarded not only for scientific and technological developments and inventions, but also for their introduction into mass production. In addition, on the last day of the forum, the winners of the second international competition of scientific works of young scientists in the field of nanotechnology will be awarded.
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru06.10.2009