01 September 2023

A drug has been found to treat the most dangerous kind of cancer

A drug effective against pancreatic adenocarcinoma, one of the most dangerous types of cancer, has been found. This has been shown by research published in the journal Nature Cancer.
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is a disease in which less than 10% of those who get the disease can live 5 or more years.

The new drug targets the fibrous tissue in tumors (the mesh of scar tissue that reduces the effectiveness of chemotherapy). Thus, the drug PXS-5505 was tested in combination with chemotherapy. The result: the survival period in the test animals increased by 35 percent compared to those given chemotherapy alone. In addition, the combination therapy reduced the spread of metastases in the body by 45 percent.

The same substance is now undergoing phase II clinical trials for the treatment of bone marrow cancer.
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