11 December 2012

Nobel laureates received awards

The 2012 Nobel Prize Ceremony was held in Stockholm

TV channel "Culture"The Nobel Prizes were awarded in Stockholm.

The names of the laureates, as usual, were announced earlier. And the ceremony itself, also, according to tradition, took place on the day of memory of Alfred Nobel, who passed away on December 10, 1896. Recall that the invention and production of dynamite allowed him to accumulate funds for the establishment of the award. So the Nobel prizes are awarded to those who, in their field of activity – scientific, social or in literature, achieve results that have some kind of explosive power. Tell the "News of culture".

The Stockholm Concert Hall is traditionally decorated with flowers this evening. 17 thousand roses, carnations and hydrangeas were brought specially from the Italian Sanremo. Alfred Nobel spent his last years there. More than eight hundred people have been awarded the prize in his name for 111 years. Less than fifty of them are women. There are 26 Russians on the list. But this year the ceremony takes place without our participation. The largest representation is in the USA: five people. One each – from China, Japan, Great Britain and France.

By the way, Frenchman Serge Arosh was initially named the most likely Nobel Laureate of the year. He will share the prize in the field of physics – for the creation of breakthrough technologies for manipulating quantum systems – with the American David Vineland. The work of scientists will accelerate the creation of ultra-fast computers.

Japanese Shinya Yamanaka and Briton John Gurdon receive their prize for a scientific discovery in the field of physiology and medicine. The experiments were carried out independently of each other, with a gap of 44 years. Gurdon proved that specialized adult cells can be turned into stem cells. Yamanaka has established what is needed for "reprogramming". The discovery will help in the treatment of serious diseases.

The discovery of Americans Brian Kobilka and Robert Lefkowitz, which brought them the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, also stretched over several decades. In the 60s Lefkowitz discovered the beta-adrenergic receptor. In the 80s, Kobilka was the first to clone the receptor gene. Thanks to these studies, it became possible to produce medicines without side effects.

Nobel laureate in literature Mo Yan once admitted: he chose his profession as a child - he heard that writers can afford to eat dumplings three times a day. As a boy, a native of a remote Chinese village was forced to drop out of school and work as a shepherd. Later he made a military career. He published his first works in 81. And fame came five years later – with the release of the book "Red Gaolian". It was included in the hundred best Chinese novels of the XX century. Mo Yan is a creative pseudonym, translated from Chinese – "be silent". The writer's real name is Guan Moi.

And this is a prize that is not in the will of Alfred Nobel – for achievements in the field of economics. Established by the Swedish Bank. This year it was awarded to Americans Lloyd Shepley and Alvin Roth. Many experts considered this award "encouraging". The Nobel Committee seems to say: the economic crisis is a transient phenomenon. However, it also affected the Nobel Prize itself. For the first time in 60 years, both the cost of celebrations and the award itself have been reduced by 20%. However, the amount still turns out to be impressive: almost a million euros. In addition, it is not taxed. According to statistics, most of the laureates give bonuses for charitable purposes or invest in science.

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