03 April 2024

A nutritionist explained why it's important for office workers to take omega-3s

Many doctors believe that if the diet is properly designed, it is possible to obtain almost all the nutrients, vitamins, micro- and macronutrients required by the body exclusively from food. Other experts, on the contrary, point out that the basic diet of an "average" Russian is very different, for example, from the Mediterranean type of nutrition, which is a reference for maintaining health. Therefore, we simply need to enrich our daily table with some vitamins and supplements.

At the same time, experts agree on some nutrients - they are vitally important. For example, omega-3 fatty acids, about which nutritionists, nutritionists and cardiologists have been talking so much in recent years.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids, including Omega-3, are important for the cardiovascular system and the blood circulation process, including at the level of microcirculation. Consequently, Omega-3's are essential for proper brain function and supporting eye health. If you spend a lot of time sitting at the monitor, fatty acids are critical: they improve retinal nutrition and prevent dry eye syndrome.

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are the building material for cell membranes, blood vessels and nerve tissue elements. The daily allowance of omega-3 PUFAs in the body should be 950 mg.

Omega-3 are essential, as they are not synthesized in our body. We get them from the outside, together with nutrition. The main sources are sea fish, especially from northern seas, cod liver, flaxseed oil, walnuts, avocado.

Despite the fact that Omega-3 can be obtained from food, the deficiency of this nutrient among Russians is 80%. Among the main reasons are eating disorders, unbalanced diet: we eat little fish, preferring processed meat. The most popular oil among Russians is sunflower oil, but it contains a lot of Omega-6, but very little Omega-3. Another reason is that manufacturers replace saturated fats with trans fats.

Avocado toast in the morning, two servings of salmon or other fatty fish a week - this can maintain optimal levels of Omega-3. But not all Russians can follow such a diet. Therefore, it is desirable to additionally take adapted forms of Omega-3 in the form of nutrients.

The daily norm of omega-3 PUFAs in the body should be 950 mg, to get it, it is recommended to supplement the daily diet with the intake of supplements. Choosing omega-3, you should be guided by the composition. The two most important amino acids included in Omega-3 are EPA and DHA, and they should be at least 50% of the entire composition.

You should also pay attention to the place of production and to the packaging, it should not be transparent, because under the influence of light oxidation of Omega-3 occurs. The product should not contain GMOs, and the oxidation level of fish oil (TOTOX indicator) should be no higher than 26.

It is good if the capsules contain vitamin E along with Omega-3 - it is a powerful natural antioxidant, it helps to preserve the beneficial properties of the product and promotes its better absorption.

Before making any decisions regarding your health, consult a specialist.

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