09 November 2023

Three simple breakfast foods can help cleanse the blood

Doctors agree - you should not skip breakfast. It is the first meal that triggers important processes in the body, which provide a person with energy for the whole day.

With high cholesterol, it is better to refuse such food for breakfast as a sandwich with cheese and butter, scrambled eggs with bacon or other fatty meat products.

That said, you should look at oats, avocados and beans - foods that help cleanse the blood of excess cholesterol. Porridge provides the body with dietary fiber, which prevents the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream, helps to reduce the level of low-density lipoproteins.

A hearty breakfast of beans helps you not to overeat all day, and also provides fiber to the body.

A source of healthy vegetable fats, avocado also helps normalize blood cholesterol levels.

Doctors also listed important components that help blood vessels to stay clean - it is not only control of cholesterol and glucose levels, but also physical activity, smoking cessation. But it is not a safe practice to engage in occasional vascular cleaning with drips and planned hospitalizations.
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