19 June 2015

"Polyclinic from a remote location" received additional funding

Startup Doctor on Demand announced the raising of $ 50 million


The Doctor on Demand service, a platform that provides "video visits" of patients to the doctor, has attracted another $ 50 million. The participants of the round are not disclosed.

The total amount of attracted investments is already $ 74 million. Last August, the company raised $21 million from Andreessen Horowitz, Google Ventures, Lerer Ventures, Shasta Ventures, as well as Athenahealth executive director Jonathan Bush.

The Doctor on Demand team currently employs 85 full-time employees, as well as 30 visiting doctors. The company plans to spend new funds on the promotion of an existing service and the creation of new products.

Each video visit costs the client $40. If the employer does not pay for this, patients can pay for services from a special account or with a credit card. Doctor on Demand receives $10 of this money, the rest is received by the doctor himself.

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