07 April 2017

Prevention of hereditary diseases

Five billion rubles were spent in 2016 on drugs for patients suffering from hereditary diseases

Oksana Baranova, Pharmaceutical Bulletin

Yesterday, the Public Chamber hosted a round table meeting "Development of social infrastructure. Prevention of hereditary diseases as protection of the interests of family and childhood".

As the Director General of the ISC noted Artur Isaev, practically in all state strategies concerning public health, attention is focused on preventive measures. However, as such, a specific program for the prevention, first of all, of hereditary diseases has not yet been developed. Therefore, according to the expert, the actions to achieve the task are multidirectional. The purpose of the round table meeting is to consider the possibility of creating a program for the prevention of hereditary diseases.

According to Elena Krasilnikova, head of the Center for the Study and Analysis of Population, Demography and Health Problems of the EurAsEC Institute, 17 hereditary diseases out of the list of 24 rare diseases, for which 5 billion rubles were spent from regional budgets in 2016.

According to Sergey Kutsev, chief freelance specialist in medical genetics at the Russian Ministry of Health, screening systems are the basis for early detection of hereditary diseases. But it should be available to all newborns. At the moment, screening is carried out selectively. If pathology is detected at an early stage of the development of the disease, chances are high to significantly reduce the cost of therapy compared to the treatment of those who already have complications associated with late detection of the problem, the expert noted.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  07.04.2017

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