19 May 2016

Put the tumor on a diet

Tomsk development: expose cancer to hunger strike

Marchmont Capital Partners

Scientists of Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) together with colleagues from the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science (IFPM) SB RAS and teams from other countries have developed nanoscale agents that starve cancer cells, which slows down their growth and development.

According to TPU, "we are talking about new principles of directed action on microorganisms and cells."

According to Sergey Psakhye, Director of the IFPM SB RAS, head of the network scientific and educational laboratory of TPU "Medical Materials Science", "we use nanotechnology products to suppress the growth of cancer cells." The impact of nanoscale agents developed by researchers with a diameter of 200 nanometers and a thickness of less than one nanometer leads to "starvation" of cancer cells, the scientist said, adding that "there is already a Russian patent, and international patenting is being conducted jointly with our foreign partners."

But so far, as the scientist noted, we are not talking about creating a new drug.

"It is a very long process to bring a new drug to the market. It's been many years. But you can use our development as an addition to existing medicines. Our Slovenian colleagues conducted experiments where our anticancer agents were used as an additional factor in the treatment with a standard chemotherapy drug used in anticancer therapy. And the efficiency has increased significantly. Thanks to this, you can reduce the dose of the drug. In the near future, on the basis of TPU, we will open a network center together with our project partners, where we will develop this new direction," Mr. Psakhye said.

The research results are published in the prestigious English-language scientific journal Scientific Reports published by Nature Publishing Group (A.A. Tsukanov & S.G. Psakhie, Energy and structure of bonds in the interaction of organic anions with layered double hydroxide nanosheets: A molecular dynamics study).

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  19.05.2016

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