Risk factors: Scientists discovered America
On Friday, on the occasion of an unofficial national holiday dedicated to the favorite Russian drink (to which, recall, D.I.Mendeleev has nothing to do), and an article published on the same day (January 31) in The Lancet magazine by Zaridze et al. Alcohol and mortality in Russia: a prospective observational study of 151 000 adults, the Russian media decided to remind fellow citizens that drinking is harmful. Well, we will also remind you. Your health!
Scientists who have proved the link between vodka consumption and high mortality in Russia, spoke about additional risk factors
Researchers have confirmed the fact that vodka consumption and related diseases of the cardiovascular system and liver are the main causes of high mortality in Russia. In addition, tobacco exacerbates the negative effects of alcohol.
Russian and British scientists conducted a study on the effect of vodka on mortality in Russia using the example of three cities: Barnaul, Biysk and Tomsk. This is reported in an article in the Lancet medical journal.
The researchers found that it is the indicator of alcohol consumption that is the main factor influencing the growth and fall of mortality in the country. Scientists also considered smoking as a factor that enhances the influence of alcohol. As expected, the combination of drinking vodka and smoking turned out to be the most life-threatening.
At the same time, the researchers found that the crisis of low life expectancy in Russia can be reversed, since the harmful effect of drinking vodka is not permanent and stops almost immediately when a person stops drinking. As the lead author of the article David Zaridze notes, this is evidenced by "a noticeable decrease in mortality after the "alcoholic" reforms of 2006."
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru03.02.2014