16 November 2015

Rusnano: planned reduction of losses

Rusnano's revenue for the first nine months of 2015 increased by 48%
The state-owned company plans to record profit in 2017 after the exit from the capital of portfolio organizations

The net loss of Rusnano for the first nine months of 2015 decreased by 22.8% to 2.7 billion rubles. Revenue for the reporting period increased by 48% from 3.3 billion rubles to 4.9 billion rubles.

The unprofitability is due to the specifics of the Rusnano business plan, the main activity of which is investing in nanoindustry projects and the corresponding innovative infrastructure. The source of the company's revenue is income from the exit from the capital of portfolio companies.

"This financial result corresponds to the approved long-term business plan of Rusnano, according to which the company will remain unprofitable until 2016 due to the need to service borrowings with a relatively small number of exits from current projects and continued investment in new funds," its report says.

The main exits from the capital of portfolio companies at Rusnano are planned for 2017-2018. The proceeds from the exit from the capital of portfolio companies will allow Rusnano to record a profit in 2017.

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