Stomach is smaller than a thimble: pills instead of surgery
In experiments on guinea pigs, scientists at University College London identified two protein receptors, P2Y1 and P2Y11, providing, respectively, rapid and slow stretching of the stomach walls. The authors claim that similar proteins are present in the cells of the human gastrointestinal tract and are necessary for its normal functioning.
At rest, the internal volume of the human stomach is about 75 milliliters, but the relaxation of the muscle wall allows it to stretch 25-30 times, up to two liters or more. This happens under the control of nerves located inside the stomach wall, which release molecules that stimulate the P2Y1 and P2Y11 receptors in the membranes of the muscle cells of the stomach wall and thereby trigger the mechanisms of their relaxation.
The authors have already started searching for drugs that can block the P2Y11 receptor to prevent the mechanism of slow stretching of the stomach from starting. Such drugs will allow people to control the size of the portions consumed and, accordingly, will facilitate the fight against excess weight.
One of the extreme measures in the treatment of obesity is partial resection of the stomach. However, such operations are associated with a certain risk to health, and replacing them with oral medications with a similar effect is a very attractive alternative.
Portal "Eternal youth" based on the materials of ScienceDaily