15 March 2010

The City of old men

A city for elderly Japanese is being built near TokyoNEWSru
A unique town for the elderly with the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle, monitor health and, if desired, work is planned in Japan, where by 2030 more than 30% of the population will be people over 65 years old, ITAR-TASS writes.

This complex will be located on the territory of the Kashiwa settlement adjacent to Tokyo, from where it will take about half an hour by train to the center of the capital, the organizers of the project said on Monday.

With the help of experts from the Institute of Gerontology of the University of Tokyo, the municipal authorities have developed a project for the demolition of five-storey blocks existing in Kashiwa and the construction of high-rise complexes on this territory.

In the center of each of them there will be medical centers that provide residents with 24-hour care, including with the help of incoming staff. Restaurants will be located nearby, which are also designed to serve as kitchen factories and constantly working clubs for communication.

Studies show that in Japan, many people "over seventy" are still physically active and ready to work, but do not want to shake every day in crowded commuter trains to work. Various workshops, business centers and even farms on the roofs of houses for growing flowers and organic vegetables are prepared for them in the complexes. Elderly people may be offered to work in kindergartens, extended-day groups for schoolchildren.

If the experiment is successful, such projects will be implemented in other areas of rapidly aging Japan to make its infrastructure friendlier for the elderly.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru15.03.2010

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