27 February 2008

The curly hair gene

Curly hair occurs in different ethnic groups with varying frequency. This trait is inherited, but until now the genetic nature of the hair texture has not been clear. Scientists from Columbia University Medical Center managed to find the gene responsible for this property.

They conducted genetic analysis in six Pakistani families. The peculiarity of this population from the point of view of geneticists is a large population density, large families and frequent closely related marriages. Researchers have identified several genes that control the growth of hair on the head. But the cause of curly hair was found in a mutation of the P2RY5 gene, which leads to the appearance of thick, stiff and steeply curled hair. After studying a single hair from a curly head of hair, scientists noticed that the area of his hair bulb is curved, and the hair is poorly attached to the epithelial sheath of the root. They suggested that a mutation in the P2RY5 gene leads to the destruction of the hair follicle (the part of the hair located under the skin). As a result, the area of the hair bulb bends, which leads to curly hair.

The P2RY5 gene encodes a protein from the G-protein coupled receptor group (GPCR). These proteins affect the organization of hair growth, and, in addition, are very common targets for the action of a variety of drugs. This suggests the possibility of pharmacological effects on the texture of the hair.

Now researchers at Columbia University propose to study how genetic variations of the P2RY5 gene determine the diversity of hair in different human populations.

"Science and Life" based on Newswise materials

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