02 November 2015

The "golden bullet" against the flu?

In Japan, there will be a flu medicine that cures the disease in one day

Vyacheslav Golovanov, GeekTimes 

According to the Asian division of the Nikkei newspaper (Shionogi drug can kill viruses in 1 day), in two years a flu medicine that needs to be used for just one day will go on sale in Japan. The drug suppresses the enzymes that help the development of the virus, and is taken orally.

Conventional antiviral medicines against influenza are aimed directly at fighting the virus and facilitate the course of the disease, such as, for example, the well–known medicine under the brand name Tamiflu (oseltamivir). But such medications have to be taken, as a rule, all the time of the course of the disease, i.e. 5-7 days.

The medicine was developed and produced by the Japanese company Shionogi & Co. She has already completed the first phase of testing the drug, in which, in particular, it was tested for harmlessness for healthy people. 

In November, when the rampant flu epidemic will be at its peak, the 2nd phase of testing of the drug will begin to check its effectiveness. Several hundred test subjects will take part in the tests. The drug was approved by the Japanese Ministry of Health in a short time to bring it to the market as soon as possible.

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