07 April 2016

The last feat of the scout

dagan.jpgFor their eyes, thanks to Meir Dagan


On March 17, 2016, the former director of the Israeli Foreign Intelligence Service, Meir Dagan, died. He was signed to the donor card "Adi", and his family agreed to donate the deceased's organs for transplantation.

In 2012, Meir Dagan was diagnosed with late-stage liver cancer. He started undergoing chemotherapy, but the disease continued to progress and led to liver failure. 

The 67-year-old Major General of the IDF could not count on liver transplantation in Israel, because he did not meet the criteria for recipients that existed at that time: then only people under 65 years old were included in the list of waiting for organ transplants. Other countries, including the USA, Germany and Sweden, also did not undertake to operate on such a patient. And then the doctors advised him to turn to Belarusian doctors.

In October 2012, Meir Dagan was taken to Belarus, where he underwent a liver transplant. After the former Mossad director's condition stabilized, he returned to Israel. The transplant was successful, but the cancer had already affected other tissues of the body, which eventually led to Dagan's death at the age of 71.

As it turned out, even the organs of such an elderly and unhealthy person are able to help others return to normal life. Meir Dagan's corneas were transplanted to two patients – a 70-year-old woman and an 81-year-old man — at the Ichilov Hospital. Both recipients reported that they can now see and even read.

One of them, 81-year-old Abraham Gain, a shopkeeper in Tel Aviv, suffered from eye disease and had already undergone a corneal transplant 17 years ago, which turned out to be unsuccessful. His wife Hedva told reporters: "Abraham can already see with his operated eye. We are just happy and feel great excitement, because such an extraordinary person as Meir Dagan became his donor."

And Avraham himself added: "I was stunned to learn that the cornea of an Israeli hero was transplanted to me. We are all indebted to him, and I am especially indebted to him now, because thanks to him, my sight has returned to me. I am no longer a young man, and it is a great success at my age to get an organ for transplantation. My cornea was implanted in my left eye ten days ago, and now I feel much better. I hope that it will continue to be so. It is a great happiness to see again after several years of almost complete blindness.

Meir Dagan, may his memory be blessed, has done a lot for the people of Israel, and now for me personally. I am immensely grateful to the staff of the ophthalmology department of the Ichilov Hospital for the operation. And even more to Meir Dagan's family for their consent to the donation."

Portal "Eternal Youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  07.04.2016

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