29 April 2016

The main problem of Russian science

Mikhail Gelfand: The main problem with science in Russia is that it is in Russia


Recently, Rosnauka told about the petition of the trade union of employees of the Russian Academy of Sciences sent to the president and the government. The authors of the appeal "Don't cut science!" on the website Сһапде.огд they demand to stop cutting government spending on science. 


At the same time, activists state with alarm that cuts have already begun in research organizations. The institutes have no money even for utilities, not to mention the purchase of modern equipment. According to the signatories of the appeal, "in such conditions, brain drain is gaining momentum again, talented university graduates do not want to link their future with domestic science." Meanwhile, the online publication "Yod" conducted a kind of survey of the largest Russian scientists, physicists, biologists, linguists about why they prefer to work in Russia. In our opinion, its results deserve attention.

Mikhail Gelfand, Professor of the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics of Moscow State University, Member of the European Academy, Deputy Director of the Institute of Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

– I don't really agree with the presumption that everyone should run away immediately. This is my country, I live here. Why shouldn't I work here? Until the Internet is turned off for bioinformatics, there is no big difference where to do it. Besides, it's always useful to think about what would have happened if you hadn't been there. In my case, in the USA I would be one of dozens of good professors and nothing would change from my presence. And here I may be changing something at least in the Russian information field. This consideration seems to me quite significant. In addition, I feel a banal responsibility to my colleagues and students who depend on me to one degree or another.

The main problem with science in Russia is that it is in Russia. With all the resulting features of our socio-political life. The reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences is an extremely ridiculous attempt to solve these problems. It was necessary, but not in the form in which it was conducted. The way this is done, the problems will not disappear, and many, apparently, will worsen. Now the situation is suspended. For a long time it seemed that everything looks vegetarian and there will be no significant deterioration, but recent events make it clear that the movement is just beginning. Based on general trends, things will only get worse, because everything is getting worse. But you can't make predictions while inside the wavefront.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  29.04.2016

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