05 July 2012

The population was ordered to hide properly

We will be fed with nanoproducts
The Russian government has approved an action plan
on the organization of healthy nutrition of the population until 2020IA Nord-News

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev signed Decree No. 1134-r "On approval of the action plan for the implementation of the Fundamentals of the State Policy of the Russian Federation in the field of healthy nutrition of the population for the period up to 2020".

The plan includes: the development of reference materials and the publication of tables of the chemical composition of food products, the development of modern high-tech analytical methods for food research, the use of nanotechnology and bioengineering in the production of products. And also - the enrichment of food products of mass consumption with vitamins, iodine and other minerals, the development of the Federal Law on healthy, including hot, nutrition of children and adults in various institutions of stay, including places of detention and correctional institutions.

In addition, it is planned to organize a system for monitoring and conducting epidemiological studies of the nutritional status of various populations in various regions of the country, including conducting selective monitoring of the diet of the population.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru05.07.2012


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