16 January 2012

The share of "crazy" innovative projects in Russia is 20%

According to this indicator, Russia has approached the developed countries 

The National Association for Innovation and Information Technology Development (NAIRIT) has completed another study reflecting structural changes in the innovation market in Russia. One of its results was the reduction to 20% of the share of so–called "crazy" innovators offering unrealizable projects that contradict the fundamental laws of science - for example, variants of the perpetual motion machine, the invention of the "bicycle", etc.

It is worth saying that five years ago this market indicator reached 45%-50%. The main representatives of this class are mainly age-related inventors, and its reduction is directly related to the significant rejuvenation of the domestic innovation sector, which has been observed in recent years. Today, the average age of an innovator is approximately 27.5 years, compared to 42 years in 2007.

According to the President of NAIRIT Olga Uskova, "the share of 20% is not something supernatural. On the one hand, it is close to similar indicators of the leading states (15-18%), and on the other, breakthrough projects are born from this environment on average once every 5-10 years, no matter what."

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru

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