29 May 2017

The sheep was painted with cartilage

Biopen 3D Bioprinting Pen will help prevent osteoarthritis


A group of scientists from the Aikenhead Medical Research Center at St. Vincent's Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, has successfully tested the innovative development of biopen.

Biopen is a 3D bioprinting pen that can be filled with stem cell–based hydrogel. During the tests, scientists used Biopen to treat a sheep's knee joint.

It is reported that the lightweight and ergonomic body of the device is made of medical plastic and titanium. Biochernils from stem cells and hydrogels from gelatin and hyaluronic acid are supplied from a titanium head. After feeding, the material freezes under the influence of low-power ultraviolet rays. According to the researchers, the hydrogel not only facilitates the process of 3D printing from stem cells, but also contributes to their survival and reproduction.

Successful animal testing is a promising sign in terms of the future of the technology. The developers of Biopen expect that the device will soon be able to be used to treat damage to cartilage tissue. Biopen can be a particularly useful method for young people and athletes – injury treatment can prevent or at least delay the risk of developing osteoarthritis, the most common chronic joint disease.

It is worth noting that during the tests, it was quite easy to apply Biopen on a sheep – most likely, it will also be easy for surgeons to adapt to the use of the new device. According to scientists, the use of Biopen can become a standard operation with a new tool. Now the team is engaged in the release of Biopen for sale – the first tests of a pen for 3D bioprinting on humans can take place as early as next year.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  29.05.2017

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