15 January 2024

Doctors have named the foods without which belly fat grows even faster

Trying to lose weight, you should not give up your favorite foods. Why when losing weight you should not remove fatty food, forbid yourself potatoes, explained experts.

According to endocrinologist Catherine Young, it is believed that when losing weight, fat-free products are the best choice. This is not true, because when reducing fats in the diet, people tend to start eating more carbohydrates.

"Nutrients from fatty foods reach the brain within ten minutes and those from carbohydrate foods within half an hour," the doctor also noted, adding that when eating fatty foods, a person becomes satiated faster, which helps to eat less often and in the long run reduce snacking.

Of course, it is recommended to give preference to products that contain a lot of vitamins and healthy fats. This is sea fish, avocado, nuts, eggs and so on.

Talking about mistakes in weight loss, the doctor pointed out another common myth, according to which "potatoes are evil". According to the doctor, it is worth paying attention to boiled chilled potatoes.

"This is a source of resistant starch, which serves as food for the intestinal microflora and at the same time does not provoke strong spikes in blood glucose levels," explained Catherine Young.

But mashed potatoes are just that option, which is better to give up, if there is a goal to get rid of excess fat. By the way, a hundred grams of potatoes boiled in the skin contains 17 mg of vitamin C, added the doctor.

Lack of fat in the body is just as bad as its excess, said Zuhra Pavlova, MD, endocrinologist. A fat-free diet, like a carbohydrate-free or protein-free diet, has a negative impact on health, and weight can return in the long term, even in excess, Zukhra Pavlova warned.

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