03 April 2024

Doctors have named a breakfast that will help cleanse your body and kick-start your bowels

The human body has its own self-regulatory potential, which works as it should if the organs and systems are functioning smoothly. Otherwise, toxins are deposited in the tissues because they are not properly eliminated. This has a bad effect on appearance and health in general.

Doctors believe that the body asks for help if there are rashes on the skin, discomfort in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, fatigue, weakness, headache. When such symptoms appear, it is important to review your diet - to minimize products that irritate the gastric mucosa. This is alcohol, carbonated drinks, smoked, salted food, canned food, spices, pickles.

You should also remove any fried food, as it facilitates the absorption of harmful substances and increases their toxicity. Instead of all this, medics recommend starting the day with a glass of warm water and porridge for breakfast.

Oatmeal (or rice) porridge eaten in the morning will help "protect the gastric mucosa from negative influences" and activate the internal detox system, medics note. Due to insoluble fiber porridge stimulates intestinal peristalsis, removes toxins. In addition, the consumption of just three grams of soluble oat fiber reduces cholesterol levels.

To get protein in the first meal, it is recommended to eat, for example, a boiled egg together with porridge.

Additionally, you can help the intestines by adding bran, greens, products containing beta-carotene (pumpkin, spinach, carrots, yams, broccoli) to the diet. In addition, to provide antioxidant protection of the body will help blueberries, red beans, walnuts, foods rich in B vitamins.

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