30 October 2023

It has been revealed what happens to the human body due to grammatical errors

A study has shown that people do suffer from grammatical and spelling errors.

Scientists have found that grammatical errors actually affect the body and even increase the heart rate. The human body reacts to confusing tenses in a sentence, singular and plural numbers, the use of double negation and spelling mistakes.

For the experiment, researchers from the University of Birmingham recruited 41 British adults who speak English. They listened to 40 samples of English speech, half of which contained grammatical errors.

The scientists recorded the heart rate variability (HRV) of the participants while they listened to the passages. Recall, HRV records the time between successive heartbeats. These intervals tend to become more regular when a person is under stress. The analysis showed that the more errors the man heard, the more regular his heartbeat became. This means that he was experiencing stress.

The researchers stated that grammatical errors seem to activate the "hit or run" response in the body. In doing so, the body reacts even if the person cannot pinpoint what is wrong in the sentence.
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