17 June 2016

Welfare concerns

NPF "WELFARE" and the Government of the Moscow region will create a network of rehabilitation centers for the elderly in the Moscow region

On June 17, within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum – 2016, Executive Director of the non-state pension fund "WELFARE" Yuri Novozhilov and the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov signed an agreement on cooperation in the construction of modern medical and social rehabilitation centers for the elderly and disabled in the Moscow Region.


The project for the development of a network of rehabilitation centers in the Moscow region is designed for five years. During this period, it is planned to build four modern, technological complexes in the following areas: rehabilitation for neurological diseases and musculoskeletal system, geriatric psychiatry. The volume of investments in the construction of one complex will amount to about 800 million rubles. The payback period of the project is calculated for 8 years, the projected value of profitability will be 12-15% per annum.

"The implementation of the project through the joint efforts of NPF BLAGOSOSTOYANIE, other investors and the Administration of the Moscow Region should become an exemplary example of partnership between the state and private business in the field of social development in our country," said Yuri Novozhilov, Executive Director of NPF BLAGOSOSTOYANIE, "As a result of this work, people will receive high–quality and much–needed service for professional care for the elderly, and the state – new jobs and improving the quality of life of the population as a whole."

The beginning of the development of the future network of centers for the elderly was laid more than five years ago by the creation of the suburban complex "Monino" in the Noginsky district of the Moscow region. The complex accepts 750 patients a year, is equipped with specialized equipment, care is provided by a team of specialists around the clock.

The model of the Monino complex will serve as a basis for further development of the network of centers for medical and social rehabilitation of the elderly and disabled in the Moscow region. Thanks to the support of the state and the interest of investors, unique, socially significant centers will appear in the Moscow region by 2020.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  17.06.2016

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