11 June 2010

Will mice teach cows to milk cream?

Mutant mice will help raise the fat content of milkAlexey Timoshenko, GZT.RU 

Mice will help to advance in applied research concerning the maintenance and breeding of cattle. Experiments with transgenic mice that have begun in the USA should help to find out what affects the fat content of milk.

Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania received a grant of $ 350 thousand for the purchase of genetically modified rodents and conducting experiments designed to study the process of milk production in the mammalian body. Most of the genes in mammalian animals are almost the same, therefore, as Kevin Harvatine says, using mice in such experiments is not such a strange idea.

Mice, unlike cows, may well be modified relatively quickly. Manipulations with DNA can ensure that some proteins in the body will cease to be synthesized, will be produced in large quantities or together with proteins that no wild mouse has in principle.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru11.06.2010

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