21 March 2008

Women who quit smoking are getting younger and losing weight

Росбалт.гиROME, February 27.

Women who quit smoking are getting younger and losing weight. Such results were obtained by Italian scientists as a result of their research, ITAR-TASS reports.

When a woman quits smoking, her facial skin becomes younger by 13 years within 9 months. In addition, ladies do not get fatter, as is commonly believed, but on the contrary, in 75% of cases they lose weight or retain the same weight, experts of the Italian Anti-Smoking Union say.

Nutritionist Lydia Lewandowski and director of the dermatology clinic "Derming" Adele Sparavinha conducted two scientific studies in 2007. Their work is based on the method of studying the age of the skin, which takes into account objective parameters such as elasticity, microrelief and visual characteristics of the facial skin.

The first study involved 200 healthy non-smoking women. Based on the results obtained, scientists have developed a complex scheme for determining the age of the facial skin.

The second experiment, which lasted 9 months, involved 64 women of different ages. They were required to quit smoking and undergo tests every 3 months. As a result, the skin of the participants in this study was on average younger by 13 years, and they weighed several kilograms less.

Also, the Italian Anti-Smoking Union presented a billboard with an image of a red heel that extinguishes a cigarette butt, and the inscription: "By stopping, you will be beautiful."

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