31 October 2023

The incidence of coronavirus in Russia has increased by more than 30% in a week

The incidence of COVID-19 in Russia over the past week increased by 30.1%, and the number of hospitalizations increased by 19.2%. This is reported by TASS with reference to the data of the federal operational headquarters to combat the infection.

It is noted that the increase in the number of hospitalizations was recorded in 56 subjects of the Russian Federation, and the disease itself is growing in 72 regions.

According to the headquarters, for the week recovered 20,754 people, which is 32% more compared to the indicator a week earlier, and the total number of deaths amounted to 61.

Earlier, Alexander Gorelov, deputy director for scientific work at Rospotrebnadzor's Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, said that most scientists around the world believe the coronavirus is gradually drifting into the category of seasonal infections.

"It is not likely to go anywhere, and will continue to circulate in the population in this way. Just new variants will appear, as we have been observing for almost four years," the expert explained.
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