28 August 2015

Early prognosis of breast cancer recurrence

A blood test will predict cancer metastases

Sofya Lopaeva, Vademecum British scientists have found that a PCR blood test can detect cancer cells on average 7.9 months before the appearance of visible signs of breast cancer recurrence in women.

The results of the study (Garcia-Murillas et al., Mutation tracking in circulating tumor DNA predicts relapse in early breast cancer) were published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, the BBC reports (Blood test 'detects cancer relapse').Scientists have developed a blood test technology for detecting circulating tumor DNA based on personalized digital polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

The method allows you to track mutations in oncogenes. Scientists took blood and tumor tissue samples from 55 women with early-stage breast cancer who had previously undergone chemotherapy and surgery. Cancer recurrence occurred in 15 participants of the study, and 12 of these cases the new analysis was able to predict.

According to lead author Nicholas Turner from the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), the study showed for the first time that a blood test can predict the recurrence of cancer. According to Turner, the technology has yet to be worked out, but it is already clear that digital PCR analysis is a relatively inexpensive and highly effective diagnostic tool that can make life easier for patients with breast cancer.

In August, researchers from the UK and Spain announced the development of a urine test that detects pancreatic cancer in the early stages.

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