20 April 2009

III Moscow Venture Forum

In accordance with the Moscow Government's work plan for 2009, the dates of the III Moscow Venture Forum have been determined. It will be held on June 17-18, 2009 in the Central House of the Entrepreneur (Kurskaya metro station, Krasnye Vorota metro station, Pokrovka str., 47/24). The organizers of the forum are the Department of Support and Development of Small Entrepreneurship of the city of Moscow and NP "Agency for the Development of Innovative Entrepreneurship" (ARIP).

As in previous years, the Forum will bring together all participants in the investment process, from developers to business angels and investors. Being a communication platform where people can not only get to know each other, but also reach certain agreements, the Forum will provide a unique opportunity to directly form the entire chain of creation of an innovative product.

The main purpose of the III Moscow Venture Forum is to help entrepreneurs in the conditions of the financial crisis to understand the sources of obtaining funds for the implementation of their innovative projects and to orient them in the variety of opportunities for obtaining financing. Within the framework of the event, thematic meetings and round tables will be held, which will be attended by representatives of state authorities and major state corporations interested in the development of innovation, heads of financial institutions investing in the latest developments. The forum will discuss such topics as "State initiatives for the development of the venture investment market", "How to get funds from private-public venture funds", "Business angel financing: myths or reality", "Regional venture funds for investments in small enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere", "State programs for financing innovation activities", "Financial crisis and innovative business: threat or opportunities". In addition, it is planned to consider the issues of investing in the IT industry, biotechnology, nanotechnology, alternative energy. Within the framework of the III Moscow Venture Forum, it is planned to organize permanent consulting points for managing companies of venture funds and business angel communities.

This event is a significant step in the development of innovative entrepreneurship, which ensures the entire process of business communications and contributes to the improvement of the Russian venture investment system.

The necessary information can be obtained by phone: (495) 780-92-77 (Roman Viktorovich Milovanov, Maria Vladimirovna Tkacheva).

You can register to participate in the III Moscow Venture Forum on the ARIP website.

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru20.04.2009

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