Russia is not friends with venture
The arguments of experts about the problems of innovative venture in Russia.
20.05.2010The arguments of experts about the problems of innovative venture in Russia.
20.05.2010RUSNANO and MP Biomedicals plan to implement projects in the field of nanotechnology in biotechnology, medicine and pharmaceuticals, including those aimed at increasing human life expectancy and combating aging.
06.05.2010The new PricewaterhouseCoopers report on trends in the healthcare system "Forecast of healthcare development: personalization of diagnostic, care and treatment services" is published by the Institute
22.04.2010The Ministry of Economic Development has prepared a draft law "On Investment Partnership", which will allow creating a new form of doing business by analogy with the Western Limited Partnership.
15.04.2010A delegation of 20 heads of leading US venture funds will visit Moscow on May 25-27 this year. The main purpose of the trip is to assess the innovative potential of the country and the possibilities of venture investment in Russian high–tech business.
12.04.2010Biopharmaceuticals is one of the most risky business areas in the investment aspect of the modern economy. Nevertheless, the production of biological products is developing at a faster pace relative to the biopharmaceutical market as a whole.
18.03.2010What developments are of interest to leading multinational corporations? The answer to this question is given by the results of the competition "Innovation Initiative", the results of which were summed up in Moscow.
12.03.2010The construction of Pharma City is planned to begin before the end of 2010, and the launch of the pharmaceutical plant may take place in December 2012. The total investment volume is 4.5 billion rubles, the design capacity is 200 million packages of tablets per year.
05.03.2010Investments in R&D of new medicines increased throughout 2009, despite the crisis, but the distribution of funds between various areas of innovative drug development has changed markedly.
17.02.2010Despite the mood of the St. Petersburg authorities to make it a priority to attract Russian manufacturers, the pharmaceutical cluster, obviously, will not be limited to domestic companies: there are still few Russian pharmaceutical companies ready to make serious investments.
10.02.2010The strategy of the "Russian Venture Company" is ambitious. The key indicator is an increase in the volume of the venture market by 2020 to 60-300 billion rubles from the current 1.5–2 billion rubles.
28.01.2010How do representatives of science, innovative business and those who are called upon to create conditions for the rise of this important industry understand the ways of pharmaceutical development in Russia?
26.01.2010In 2010, pharmaceutical companies will shift the point of application of forces to the markets of developing countries. The legacy of the past remains the economic crisis, a small innovative activity of pharmaceutical manufacturers, the problem of generics and savings in healthcare costs.
20.01.2010This publication presents the key trends that will determine the development of Big Pharma in the new year 2010.
29.12.20092012 should have an even stronger impact on the global biotechnology industry, when patent protection of hundreds of drugs will end. This fact is able to reverse the negative trend of the beginning of this year, when tens of thousands of biotechnologists were left on the street: big pharma will need new effective molecules.
23.12.2009In the PricewaterhouseCoopers review "Pharma 2020: Tax Prospects. Which road should I choose?" the approaches by which companies react to changes in the taxation situation and the consequences of these changes are considered.
09.12.2009The pharmaceutical business could not ignore such a promising segment of the market as bioengineering, especially since the expiration of patent protection terms for many blockbusters favors the spread of similar biological products.
09.11.2009Vice-President of MICEX G. Margolit – about the innovation and investment market, which should become a conveyor for attracting financing by young companies and obtaining promising assets by investors.
13.10.2009If you do not follow any rules, investments can be both profitable and unprofitable. But if an investor avoids what we will call the fundamental mistakes of investors, then investments always bring profit.
09.10.2009In the coming years, Russia will narrow the gap with foreign countries in the field of cord blood banking. Today, 0.3% of women in labor use the services of stem cell banks; in 10 years, every 20th mother will use them.
28.09.2009You can write to the editor at:
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