27 May 2015

Alzheimer's Disease Prevention Experiment

Alzheimer's drug will be prescribed to healthy people

News from The Washington Post: Peeking into healthy brains to see if Alzheimer's is brewing

American scientists have announced the launch of a project during which they will analyze the effect of an experimental drug against Alzheimer's disease with the participation of people at risk, but without symptoms of the disease. As the authors of the study explained, a thousand elderly volunteers will take part in the experiment, half of whom will take solanezumab, and the rest will take a placebo.

Many scientists agree that the signs of the disease appear long before the first symptoms appear. At the same time, timely diagnosis does not always allow you to determine whether the disease will develop. For example, not all elderly patients with amyloid plaques in their brains suffer from Alzheimer's disease. "Most elderly people over the age of 70 have a small amount of tau protein accumulated in the brain. But only in some cases the protein penetrates into the memory center," explained Reisa Sperling, the head of the study.

Therefore, scientists want to analyze the effect of an experimental drug in the event that a person is not sick yet, but is at risk. "It is known that in Alzheimer's disease, tau protein begins to accumulate in brain tissues, while scientists find it difficult to determine exactly when this happens. However, we need to know this," added Maria Carrillo, head of the Association for the Study of Alzheimer's Disease.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru27.05.2015

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