10 June 2010

The test strip will determine the blood type and Rh factor

Instant Paper Blood test createdMembrane Based on Technology Review: A 10-Cent Blood-Type Test
The world's first test strip for blood type and Rh factor was invented by Gil Garnier and his colleagues from Monash University in Australia.

The most remarkable thing is that the test works instantly and costs less than 10 US cents.

Determining the blood type of a patient or victim is very important for doctors, but such an analysis is usually carried out in the laboratory and takes a lot of time, and costs a lot too. It is easy to imagine how the test, which is just a strip of paper, or rather, three strips connected together, will change the situation.

It is enough to drop one drop of blood into their center, as it begins to disperse along the rays of this kind of asterisk. The distance that blood travels depends on its interaction with a set of specific antibodies printed on paper. Agglutination occurs, and the blood stops exactly at the place where the antibody corresponding to its type is present. The combination of the three parameters clearly indicates the group and the Rh factor (in the picture - the blood of group A, Rh+).

However, the authors of the novelty specify, their test still needs to be finalized. For example, paper should be chosen more durable so that it can work well in hot climates (the novelty is aimed primarily at developing countries).

In addition, such a simple test cannot indicate the incompatibility of blood, for example, of a donor and a recipient, by antigens outside the AB0 system and the rhesus system. And yet the appearance of such a test is a breakthrough akin to the invention of pregnancy test strips or similar paper tests for blood sugar.

The test report of the strip (Mohidus Samad Khanet al., Paper Diagnostic for Instantaneous Blood Typing) was published by its creators in Analytical Chemistry.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru10.06.2010

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